Paddle YOGA

Workout smoothly on the water

Here is an original way of working out in nature, in a watery environment, with yoga techniques.

The concept is rather simple: find your symmetry and balance to sequence the stances.

Stand Up Paddle Yoga tonifies, works deeply gainage, working out some muscles you don't apply on your yoga mat.


This summer, we offer you to link the benefits of yoga in a very quiet watery environment. Come and try  Paddle yoga in a sunny mood, in the middle of the forest on a private pond, ideal for relaxation.

Contact us to know when we can organise that for you !

indispensable prerequisite: Being able to swim, being at ease in the water. Minimum age: 10 years, under adult supervision. 



Being familiar with yoga or Satand up paddle













 6 people / 1 teacher




 35 €/person




Stand up paddle, paddle, wetsuit if needed.





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